Physician Targeting and Sales Force Allocation
Use MSA-provided lab data to act early in the sales process. Target physicians with appropriate drug education and training before a script is written.

Data Makes The Difference

– If You Know How To Use It

Most pharmaceutical companies know which products physicians are prescribing. However, what they often do not know is what is driving those decisions. Everything starts with the right diagnosis. Having the right patient data is crucial to developing a successful approach to physician targeting.

MSA’s Physician Targeting and Sales Force Allocation solution provides the insights needed to understand physician behaviors and trends in such a way that the right message is delivered to the right physician at the right time.

MSA integrates the data needed for your sales force to know who to target, as well as when, why, and how – what message should be delivered and through which channel.

Data and Analytics in Action

No one understands data better than MSA – or puts it to better use. Our unique combination of targeted data, advanced analytics, and IT expertise positively change the way you provide care. Getting from concept to realizing tangible results involves knowing which questions to ask and have the right tools – and data – to answer them.

Stand-alone MSA-provided lab data provides unique insights, including answers to questions, such as:

Which physicians are requesting disease-specific diagnostic and/or lab monitoring tests?

How many patients with normal and/or abnormal test results are physicians seeing?

Are physician specialties requesting lab tests?

Integrating lab data from MSA with EHR and Medical Claims Data provides unique insights, including answers to questions, such as:

What brand are physicians prescribing based on disease-specific diagnostic and/or lab monitoring tests?

Is there a difference in normal/abnormal test results based on the brand prescribed?

Is there a difference in the number of office visits based on brand prescribed?

Do physician specialists prescribe particular brands?

Does brand impact a patient's test result?

What are the trends in patient lab results by brand, by physician?

Let MSA Customize A
Lab Data Solution Just For You