Lab Test Result Data

Lab Test Result data drives about 70% of medical decisions and offers unique specificity into clinical results.

Proactive, data-empowered organizations leverage lab-based segmentation analyses to drive the adoption of first-line therapy and identify candidates for switching.


Laboratory tests play a vital role in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Having more touch points with patients than any other function in healthcare, lab test results play an integral role in determining the most effective treatment.

Learn More: Treatment Outcomes/Effectiveness

Analyzing timely and accurate lab test results is crucial for successfully managing patient care and improving outcomes.

Standalone lab diagnostic data, with analytics applied, provides the ability to segment patient populations into three groups:

Patients who will be diagnosed soon

Patients previously diagnosed and responding to treatment

Patients previously diagnosed and not responding to therapy who many benefit from intervention

Using lab data from MSA helps retain market share by targeting physicians whose patients may benefit from an adjusted dose in order to prevent switching.

Physicians use Lab Test Result data

to make treatment decisions across

the entire care continuum.

Shouldn’t your Sales teams

be looking at the same information?

De-identified, patient-level Lab Test Result data from MSA strengthens...

…your ability to allocate resources in a proactive and targeted manner.


MSA-provided, reliable,

and timely, patient-level

Lab Test Result Data


Clinical Trial Recruitment

Tracking Patients with COVID-19 and Other Conditions

Monitoring Healthcare Utilization Trends

Managing COVID-19's Impact on the Market

Other MSA-Provided Data to Support COVID-19 Efforts include Medical Claims and EMR Clinical Data.

Learn How MSA is Ready to Help with COVID-19 and Other Viruses

Don’t (Just) Look Back

Allocate sales resources in a proactive and targeted manner.

The healthcare industry has traditionally used medical claims and prescription data to guide commercial strategy. While valuable, this utilization data is limited because it offers only a historical perspective of patients already on therapy.

Lab Test Result data from MSA identifies physicians with relevant patients BEFORE a treatment decision has been made. Forward-thinking healthcare organizations can use this knowledge to proactively educate healthcare professionals on the benefits of their therapies, before a treatment decision has been made.

Access to busy physicians continues to decrease. Highly-targeted Lab Test Result data from MSA informs you that a physician has a patient now that would benefit from treatment intervention, allowing more opportune engagement.

More: Physician Targeting & Sales Force Allocation

Value of Lab Test Result Data

Lab Test Result data is a powerful tool. Our decades of experience with integrating diverse healthcare data and industry-leading lab data sets enables us to partner with healthcare organizations to improve patient care and their bottom line.

Stand-alone or integrated with data from other sources, Lab Test Result data from MSA, along with our ability to perform advanced analytics and unparalleled IT expertise, unleashes the value of healthcare data.

Timely Lab Result Data From MSA

Supports Personalized Medicine

MSA Lab data reveals a patient's unique genetic mutations and biomarkers, allowing you to identify the specific therapies that offer the best outcomes given the patient's genetic makeup.

Timely Lab Result Data From MSA

Furthers Population Health

MSA Lab data allows you to identify a target population, perform risk stratification, implement targeted interventions, and track clinical outcomes. Lab results tie clinical interventions to evidence-based guidelines.

Timely Lab Result Data From MSA

Aids Early Detection of Rare Diseases

Critical MSA Lab data provides the ability to properly diagnose some of the more than 6,000 rare diseases months or years earlier, providing tremendous benefits to patients and to the healthcare system overall.


MSA-provided lab data integrated with other data types answers questions such as:

Is my drug working?


MSA-provided lab data integrated with other data types answers questions such as:

For which cohort is my drug working? Not working?


MSA-provided lab data integrated with other data types answers questions such as:

How many patients positively diagnosed are NOT on drug therapy?