EMR Clinical Data

Insights that drive precision


MSA provides access to a very useful source of information about the patient population: EMR (Electronic Medical Record) clinical data.

EMR’s capture real-world evidence; more specifically, deep knowledge about patient encounters that includes the clinical details of the patient care process. EMR information – such as demographics, treatment, lab tests, prescription drugs, providers, specialty providers, and insurance – provides critical insights into the processes used to deliver care. EMR clinical data helps healthcare organizations better segment populations and improve quality in order to successfully address population health needs.

The EMR data from MSA is captured from over 25 million patients and more than 75 million annual visits.

De-identified, patient-level EMR clinical data from MSA...

…enables healthcare organizations to climb the next peak in the patient journey

EMR Data Integration

EMR clinical data is even more powerful when coupled with claims data. When combined, the two data types offer a more complete view of the patient’s status through the entire continuum of care.

EMR clinical data integrated with claims data, for example, provides very specific value when comparing recommended care against evidence-based practices. Added to existing and new emerging data streams – such as social media – facilitates further insights.

Marrying consumer data with claims and EMR clinical data enables you to:

Identify the most appropriate timing and vehicle for outreach

Determine whether an individual will respond to one-to-one health coaching or to self-service engagement tools

Drive efficiencies by allocating resources where they have the most impact

Actionable and timely EMR clinical data from MSA ALLOWS

You to make good use of the vast amounts of clinical data generated daily

Actionable and timely EMR clinical data from MSA ENABLES

You to understand a holistic view of a patient's conditions and treatments

Actionable and timely EMR clinical data from MSA ENHANCES

Your ability to make more precise business decisions


Integrating EMR clinical data from MSA with other data types (yours and/or ours) answers questions such as:

How many patients in my population could benefit from weight management programs to prevent chronic conditions?


Integrating EMR clinical data from MSA with other data types (yours and/or ours) answers questions such as:

Can my brand be used to effectively close gaps in care?


Integrating EMR clinical data from MSA with other data types (yours and/or ours) answers questions such as:

Are my patients with a history of heart attack taking aspirin? How have these patients responded to depression treatment?